Monday, January 13, 2014

Deaconate Ordination and Profession of Final Vows

This past weekend I traveled to Kampala for the final profession of vows and deaconate ordination of six Holy Cross seminarians. The ceremony was beautiful and it was nice to reunite with Holy Cross Sisters, Brothers, Priests, and seminarians some of which I had not seen since 2009. The two days were full of food, music, dancing, and greetings. Luckily the entire ceremony was in English so I could understand the homily. The parents of the brothers played a big role in the ceremony as they walked their son in and also gave a short speech one of the days. The bishop presiding over the ceremony over thanked the parents and said "that although there might not be visible tears on your faces, I know there are tears inside. Thank you for raising such wonderful men." He also said that those in the audience should produce more men and women so that we can have more priests. One of the newly professed seminarians told his parents that if he was allowed only one day for holiday he would visit his parents so he advised his parents not to lament. The Bishop repeated to each seminarian during the ceremony that they were called by God and touched by the spirit. This whole experience made me think of my sister, Molly, who will be joining the convent next week. My family has had a hard time accepting her decision and all the rules her order has as we are afraid we will lose our beloved sister. However, witnessing this ceremony made me realize that we are not losing her, rather her family is expanding as she responds to her call.
Me and Sr. MarieJose reunited

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