Sunday, March 16, 2014

She is REALLY coming!!!

Sorry for the long delay…again, but here is the latest and greatest news from Uganda- my sister, Kari, is coming to visit me this month! I literally could not be more excited. I had always hoped and tried to persuade my family to come visit so that they could see what life if like here and experience first and why I love this place so much. Pictures and retelling of stories just don’t do justice when trying to explain the love and beauty of this place. Despite all my urging I thought it would always end on silent ears. However, my younger sister, Kari, proved me wrong. Kari expressed interest over the phone one day about visiting, but she is such a free spirit so I did not want to get my hopes up about her coming. After a week of emails back and forth regarding logistics such as flight and doctors appointments I was shocked to find her flight itinerary in my inbox one Sunday morning. I was so excited, but I could not believe it so I had to have Anne and Sr. Edith look at her flight confirmation to confirm to me that she was really coming. I have so many places I want her to visit, things I want her to see, and people I want to meet within her short ten day trip- Kari I hope you are ready!

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